Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 42

Title : Lovers at the end of war.
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : 1++ hours In 1+ days.

Tribute to Saji and Louise, Alle and Soma Peries and all of those lovers who found their love back after the war. La Amour!!

Well, started today after there's some probs (like last time) of my tablet pen... It froze the photoshop software, render me unable to save any work...


janus lu said...

Is this the scene from Gundam 00? I never saw this anime before that's why i don't know the character you mention. From the picture i can feel finally the peace has come and new life begin, right?
About the pen you mention, could it be the software problem? Maybe you can try to uninstall the pen tablet software and then install it again. Just my opinion. :)

symbiotes021 said...

No bro, this scene is just a made up one. But it's inspired by the ending theme songs scene of the 00 series where the gundams is shown of what they look like after the war ends.

The characters are all from the series.

The probs with pen, maybe youre right. But it seems like the problem stops......

janus lu said...

I see, then keep produce more good arts, bro. Gambateh! :)