Sunday, August 17, 2008

Strike - Change Presto WIP Pt. 7

Another Update - Yay!! Being sooooo lazy and haven't touch a thing on the Strikku since last update. All because I'm outta cement and haven't got the time to the shop to buy some. But I do some E-shopping to buy a decal, Dengeki Hobby magazine ( Free Gundam 00 decals - Had Transarm mode one) and plaplates. Just too lazy to search for the cement on the hobby shop because don't like to go there, mainly because it's a place with many people - Mahkota Parade. I hate crowded places. After seeing the movie Wall-E today's evening accompanied by a friend, my Mecha Senses tinglin' all over. So got back home and Search for reference on the net an stumbled across the MAHQ sites. Lotsa images and whoaaa!! Entered the forum and see many links to other blogs, etc. So I pick up where I left and continue with the Strike.

Added a (Booster?) thingy like those done on many of the sites I surf to. Well, it's just a mechanical pencil front tip. and the blue thingy next to it is a pen (holder?)

Remove the long-connector thingy from last update because it made the Strike hideous. Got a little dizzy to search for a better connector style and I came out with this.

Ah... me and my blurred Zoom in...

From another angle. Hmmm... these putties make em' whole look hideous.

Close-up from below the backpack.

Side views.

Yeah, a modeller's greatest time ever - Sanding the uneven putty. Bah!! :P

The Ice cream spoon (Don't remember which brand is used as a putty applier and sanding stick)

Hmmm, Okay I guess, but the sword length is as the same as the Strike. It touched the ground evenly. Is that a good thing?

A little twist and it can reach the sword like this.

Ah yes, my families (all except me) has gone to Kelantan for a holiday. Me all alone in this house... Bo-hooo.... Well, my parents asks me to go too but the trip was for three days so I don't want to go. So little time to a faraway place. Scared that my body will aches all over. If it were a week trip, tag me in!!


janus lu said...

Wow! The new back pack to hold the sword setting looks good! It is very robot user friendly, I like it! Keep on the good job, bro.

symbiotes021 said...

Thanks, glad U like it.