Title : Kamen Rider
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : <2 hours (In 1 1/2 days)
Now that was fast. Hehehe... Well, it's done so I'll guess I just post it in today...eventhough it's fo next week arte.
The idea came from watching one of Zero G's modeller making a kamen rider diorama for his niece. Link here :
Eday, yeah he's an amazing modeller and now he's doing sculpting.... His work are truly top norch. One of a kind... and... well continue with my artes...
Which kid is in the 80's doesn't know Kamen Rider? Well, know him as Baja Hitam. The first Kamen Rider I ever know.
And I just watch a Kamen Rider movie. Didn't remember the title but it was about KR 1, KR 2 and KR V3. Their suit designs is the best. I hate to see nowadays KR suits design... Too uegghhhhh.....:P
Of all of them, I like Amazon very much. But I didn't watch the series ever yet.
Ah, and I have the time to do this because I sick again... Yay!! Hmmm...