Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 19

Title : Ai = Koi
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : 2+ hours In 2 days.

Just a random arte which is not based from any anime or real life person. Well, the idea just pop up just like that while I'm hearing Gundam 00 2nd season 2nd Ending OST - Yuna Itou's 'Trust You' repeatedly. Very stunning voice and melody. The pictures on the ending scene was great too.

Well, this arte has a little story which I put up as a background. Just made it up to fill the plain background. Hehehe....

Luckily the Photoshop problem didn't occur while Im doing this arte for the 6th time, today. :P


janus lu said...

The concept is good. But I notice the boy's finger seem to be a bit long, isn't it?

symbiotes021 said...

Hehehe, is that so? Well my mistake then. Maybe because Im doing this arte under stress. Shading the same area for 2-3 times...

janus lu said...

Relax bro, drawing & painting is an enjoyable thing, try play some sentimental music while doing the cg work, it helps. A cup of hot coffee also not bad. Yum yum! :)