Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 32

Title : Sacrifice - Busou Renkin
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : 2+ hours In dunno how many days.

The scene where Kazuki attacks and flies off to the moon with Victor leaving Tokiko behind, even when Tokiko's ready to give her life as long as she with him.

The most saddest scene and episode of the Busou Renkin anime.


janus lu said...

Hmm...although I'm not a fan of this anime, but I quite like the lighting effect you had made. It was good. Btw, you purposely crop the faces or what? Or lazy to colour the full figure??? :P

symbiotes021 said...

Kekekeke... Just want to try to make the scene more dramatic.

You should give a try to this anime. The original mangaka is Nobuhiro Watsuki who also the mangaka of Samurai X. Shiok bro, I highly recommend if you search for a new anime to watch.

janus lu said...

I see, will try to look for it when I'm free. Thanks for the recommend, bro. :)