Monday, May 18, 2009

Hit & Run

Today I ride my motorcycle like usual to go to work. Then I witnessed a tragic accident, a hit and run while I was 2 minutes on the road. The hitter, a motorcycle with a rider and a passenger. The one being hit, an innocent bird. Yeah, a bird I tell ya.

The bird was 'playing' with a friend of his, flying here and there at low altitudes before the accident. And then I noticed a speeding motorcycle passed by me. And then....BAMMM!! The accident happens. The poor bird fell onto the ground. Lying and dead probably... While the rider of the motorcyle didn't notice he hit the bird, his friend does. I can see he started to looked back and then talk to the rider.

And near my office, there's another accident. Between a Myvi and an Estima. According to my friend it happends minutes before I arrived. Haih...


janus lu said...

Berhati-hati di jalan raya. Biar lambat asalkan selamat. :)

symbiotes021 said...

Ya, that's the case.

Nowadays everyone wants to show their skills in car driving. I, for once, almost got to get hit by speeding van. Luckily it doesn't hit me.

janus lu said...

I really hate those stupid speed racer driver, they are no different than the road bully. Just hope the police officer can put more efford to treat them eat saman. Hehehehe... :)