Monday, June 22, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 36

Title : Flame of Revenge
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : 2+ hours In 2+ days.

Taking break from Kamen Rider this time. Been watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Heard that this time the anime will follow the story in the manga. Not like last time. I like the manga storyline more.

Hughe or Hugh was it. Really a great friend to Roy Mustang and cared for the two Elric brothers. Died after poking on a terrible truth he accidently founded.

I cried reading the manga where his daughter said - " Mom, why do they bury papa, papa got lot of works to do...."


janus lu said...

It was the sad part when i read the comic or saw the anime too. Just wonder what is the ending of the comic version, i hope Edward and Winnie will stay together in the end, not like the movie version, i don't like the ending...hmm...

symbiotes021 said...

Yeah, the ending was too weird for me. Go go Ed and Winry !!

janus lu said...

Come on author, make a happy ending for all the FMA fans! :P