Monday, January 5, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 14

Title : Gundam 00 - Alle and Soma
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : <2 hours In 2 days.

Well. before Saji and Loise melodrama begans, I was so into these pairs. Tragic love, some element that I like in a story.

Doing the Sketches at office again... Scan and trace it back. Try hard on the BG by refering to few picts. Tell me what cha think?


janus lu said...

Hmmm...the bg is ok, if you can make the rain drops become a bit blur (try motion blur in photoshop), the result sure become more real, just my opinion. You are really very productive, every week keep produce 1 cg art, great!

symbiotes021 said...

Wow. Really see the difference.

Thanks bro for the tip. never used this effects on rain scene before. Thanks ya.

janus lu said...

You are welcome, bro. :)