Monday, January 12, 2009

Seravee's Secret Revealed Pt. 2 (SPOILER!!)

Finally, the truth about what's been bothering me of what is Seravee's specialty has been answered. Yeah, it is another Gundam residing on the back of Seravee as it's backpack. The question is, how'd it look like? I was getting the idea that it's gonna be like Gurren Lagann mechs where the head is also the body. Well, I'm wrong.

Here is the face of the 'backpack' Gundam behind Seravee, namely Seraphim gundam (If my source is right). Taken from screenshots of episode 14 of the second season (Haven't watch it yet myself at the time I writing this article). Quite macho, isn't he?

The question is, how does Tieria controlling it? Does it functioning like Fangs a.k.a. Dragoons a.k.a. Funnels a.k.a. Bits?

Anyway, I kinda like where this is going. It's a revolution to the gundam line where something like this has never appear in any of the other former gundam series, if I'm correct (Well I watched almost all of the Gundam Series now).

Plus, I bet when the time the 1/100 model kit is out I can pose Seravee with Seraphim. Not like Virtue and Nadleeh which I only got to pose Virtue only (Need to buy 2 of them if you want to pose 2 of them separately).


janus lu said...

Hmm...the concept is not bad, thanks for sharing, bro.

symbiotes021 said...

Hehe... No probs.