Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Art for a Week - Week 16

Title : Freaks - Wraith
Software : Adobe Photoshop CS2
Time to Complete : <2 hours In 1 days.

Just trying a new technique.... Scribble this and that and it become this arte.

Wraith - He's one of characters I create for 'Freaks' which is similar to 'X-Men', people with powers or mutant. Wraith is a one revenger, he lost all he had and the one who did that also experimented on his body. The result - Wraith.


janus lu said...

Hmm...this character got the kamen rider + batman feel. Nice effect on the fire lighting.

symbiotes021 said...

Thansk. It was originally a messed up sketch that I keep on colour and colour. Experimenting fire drawing without refering to any picts because too lazy.

janus lu said...

Well, the result is good, man.