Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is it a season of Fever?

So today was the second day I work after 5 and a half day I MC last week. It was fever, flu and sore throat. Bad ones, which made me cough a lot.

Before that, it was my mother. She had 7 days MC - she's a teacher. She said that she had this kind of chill where if we open the fan she'll tremble a lot... Luckily she's fine now.

At the office, it mas my friend - she had 5 days MC. She says that on the first day the hospital also quarantine her. And not to forget my boss's brother, he also had MC these few days. The caused is - FEVER!!


janus lu said...

Take care bro, the weather during these days is bad, I also feel bad, gotta sleep early to recharge my energy...
Wish all the best to you & your family.

symbiotes021 said...

Thanks man. You take care too.